Headlines September
Europoort without power, chemical giants flare gas
Power is out in the western part of the Rijnmond area. ‘The 150,000-volt high-voltage Europoort substation has been de-energised,’ says a spokesperson. According to her, the entire Europoort industrial area is without power. The power outage also affects Brielle and Oostvoorne. More than 11,000 customers are without power, says a spokesperson for grid operator Stedin. ‘That includes customers like BP and Exxon,’ he said. Hoek van Holland was also affected, but by now ‘most connections there have been supplied with power again’, writes regional broadcaster WOS.
The torch
Due to the outage, several companies are flaring. Flaring involves safely burning excess gases. This involves large flames and clouds of smoke. ‘The impact of this on the environment is low,’ says Milieudienst Rijnmond. The operator of the high-voltage grid, TenneT, reports that it is not yet clear what caused the failure: TenneT says there are frequent outages at the high-voltage substation, ‘but being completely de-energised does not happen very often.’ ‘Initial analysis shows that there is no major damage. We are now trying to resume the power supply and hope to do so soon.’
Mobile networks
Goods trains are at a standstill in the area due to the power failure. Some of them are now running again, reports ProRail. Furthermore, the metro between Steendijkpolder and Hoek van Holland Strand was temporarily not running. That too is running again. Rijnmond writes that Stena Line and P&O Ferries are also without power. In part of the area, mobile networks are also down, users report to NOS. ‘In the affected area, transmission masts may fail if they are without power for longer periods,’ reports the safety region. ‘In that case, mobile phones will no longer have coverage.’
‘No consequences shipping’
For now, the power cut has no impact on shipping, says a spokesperson for the Port of Rotterdam.
‘In the port of Rotterdam, an area from Brielle to Hoek van Holland has been affected by a power cut,’ he says. ‘The radar stations in the area, as well as the Hoek van Holland Traffic Control Centre, are running on emergency power. Shipping is fully functioning and operational.’
Source: https://nos.nl/artikel/2535642-europoort-zonder-stroom-chemiereuzen-fakkelen-gas-af
Transport operator EBS is fined millions for faltering bus services
Transport company EBS has been fined €3.5 million for persistent problems with its timetable. The fine was imposed by the provinces of Flevoland, Gelderland and Overijssel, where the company partly provides bus transport. At the regional transport company, many more buses break down than allowed. Diesel buses are also still being used on some of the bus lines, whereas the concession stipulates that electric buses should be used. The reason for the cancellations is the severe shortage of bus drivers and high absenteeism. To cope with the problems, the timetable was scaled down earlier this year. The buses that were running would thus break down less often, was the idea. But the trip cancellation rate is still too high. EBS said in a statement that it really should have scaled down more rides to achieve a reliable timetable.
Signing bonus
Meanwhile, it is diligently looking for drivers. The company offers new drivers a ‘signing bonus’ of 2,000 euros and open days are organised. Marketing campaigns have also been set up to recruit drivers. EBS expects to have its workforce in order by mid-December so that it can return to normal schedules.
The fine imposed applies to transport in 2023. As the problems also affect this year, the operator can expect a fine for this year as well, RTV Oost writes.
Also problems at Arriva
Besides EBS, carrier Arriva also operates in parts of Overijssel. That company also has problems with bus transport. The concession was taken over from Keolis at the end of last year, but start-up problems, staff shortages and high absenteeism caused many rides to be cancelled. There are also problems with the new electric buses. They charge too slowly and break down regularly. The operator is also likely to be fined by the province of Overijssel for this year. Because of the problems, the province is keeping a closer eye on EBS and Arriva, reports the regional broadcaster. For instance, the carriers must provide quarterly updates on their situation.
Source: https://nos.nl/artikel/2536800-vervoerder-ebs-krijgt-miljoenenboete-voor-haperend-busvervoer
Inspectorate seizes 16,500 Chinese fatbikes in seven weeks
In the hunt for illegal fatbikes, 16,500 of these electric bikes from China have now been seized. This was reported by the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT). A large proportion were found during actions in the port of Rotterdam. Those actions started in July. They involved bicycles from several Chinese manufacturers. In addition, the ILT seized 1,000 Chinese fatbikes at the distribution centres of a Dutch supplier. The bicycles are banned because owners can use a simple code or an app to boost their bike's speed to 35 to 45 kilometres per hour. With pedal assistance, an electric bike is allowed to go a maximum of 25 kilometres per hour.
Police test a fatbike during an operation in The Hague.
The bikes in question often already have an overpowered motor and other technical features, making the bike effectively a moped in practice, according to the ILT. Therefore, they are not allowed to be sold in the Netherlands. ‘Frame, brakes and tyres are not tested for and made for these kinds of speeds,’ the ILT states. ‘This leads to dangerous situations with a high risk of accidents and injuries.’
Growing number
The authority says there are fatbikes that comply with the rules for electric bikes, but that ‘a growing number of cheaper, unsafe and untested mopeds are being offered on the Dutch market’. The ILT says the bikes should disappear as soon as possible. ‘And that starts by putting a stop to their sale through official trade channels.’ In The Hague, meanwhile, a majority in the Lower House disagrees with Infrastructure Minister Madlener on opposing fatbikes. Because many accidents occur, a parliamentary majority is in favour of a minimum age of 14 for riding that type of electric bike and the introduction of a helmet requirement. The minister does not think this makes sense. The ILT says it will hand over all files to the public prosecutor. That could mean that the manufacturer and sellers could not only be fined but also prosecuted.
Source: https://nos.nl/artikel/2536847-inspectie-neemt-in-zeven-weken-16-500-chinese-fatbikes-in-beslag
NVWA: Bicycle brand Vogue must stop selling because of safety risks
The manufacturer of the cargo bike brand Vogue must stop selling two models due to serious safety risks. This was confirmed by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) following reports by RTL Nieuws. For the ‘Troy’ and ‘Journey’ models, seat posts and frames were broken in several cases, says the NVWA. A recall is now required for those models.
‘We have received about 30 reports from consumers, as well as dealers and bike shops,’ said a spokesperson for the NVWA. The regulator conducted investigations following the reports. That investigation showed that Vogue received several reports of broken frames and seatposts in recent years. The company did not do enough with these and also did not report them to the NVWA, which is required by law.
‘The technical documentation, the burden of proof that the bikes are safe, was not complete,’ said the spokesperson. The Vogue cargo bikes may not be sold again until it is proven that they are safe and the missing data is completed.
According to the NVwA, the manufacturer, Europe Cycle Company (ECC), is fully cooperating with the remedial measures so far. The NVWA is also currently investigating other cargo bike brands. Exactly which brands are involved, the regulator cannot say.
Earlier this year, the NVWA started a criminal investigation into cargo bike brand Babboe. Several cargo bike models were found to be unsafe. The frames of bicycles were found to regularly break through. Tens of thousands of bicycles were recalled by the bicycle manufacturer. Earlier this week, the public prosecutor ended the criminal investigation into Babboe. ‘From the supervisor, the prosecution has learned that Babboe B.V. is being cooperative,’ the prosecution said.
Source: https://nos.nl/artikel/2537638-nvwa-bakfietsenmerk-vogue-moet-stoppen-met-verkoop-vanwege-veiligheidsrisico-s
Data breach at police, hackers obtain contact details of all police officers
During a hack at the police, "work-related contact details" of all police officers were stolen. Minister of Justice and Security Van Weel announced this in a letter to the House of Representatives. According to the police, it appears that the names and email addresses of almost all 65,000 police officers have been stolen. Phone numbers have also been stolen, but it is not clear how many.
"It is an extensive list with a lot of contact information," says a spokesperson. The hack was discovered earlier this week and announced today. At the moment, an investigation is underway into how exactly the hack could have happened, who is behind it and what the impact of the data leak is.
Undercover agents
According to the police, employees with a number of sensitive functions are also shielded within the organization, including undercover agents. They would not be on this list. When asked whether the leaking of the names could have consequences for agents working undercover, Minister Van Weel said: "We are looking at the risks of leaking this information and where the information ended up. In the interest of the investigation, I will not make any further statements about this."
Prime Minister Schoof (ex-AIVD and ex-NCTV) also did not want to say much about it at his press conference. "I am glad that at least the leak has been found. No one underestimates the risk that the police are running with this. These types of cyber investigations are incredibly complicated."
According to the police, the data theft is causing great concern among employees. "They are wondering what data exactly is involved and whether more information has been stolen," says a spokesperson. The police assures that it only concerns a file with work-related data. The Dutch Police Union, the largest union for police officers, calls it a "nightmare" and says that the need for good data protection in the police has become painfully clear. The police are calling on employees to be extra alert for strange apps, possible phishing emails and problems with logging in. "Actually, what everyone should always do, but now extra."
The data theft has been reported to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
Source: https://nos.nl/artikel/2538710-datalek-bij-politie-hackers-bemachtigen-contactgegevens-alle-politiemedewerkers
Power is out in the western part of the Rijnmond area. ‘The 150,000-volt high-voltage Europoort substation has been de-energised,’ says a spokesperson. According to her, the entire Europoort industrial area is without power. The power outage also affects Brielle and Oostvoorne. More than 11,000 customers are without power, says a spokesperson for grid operator Stedin. ‘That includes customers like BP and Exxon,’ he said. Hoek van Holland was also affected, but by now ‘most connections there have been supplied with power again’, writes regional broadcaster WOS.
The torch
Due to the outage, several companies are flaring. Flaring involves safely burning excess gases. This involves large flames and clouds of smoke. ‘The impact of this on the environment is low,’ says Milieudienst Rijnmond. The operator of the high-voltage grid, TenneT, reports that it is not yet clear what caused the failure: TenneT says there are frequent outages at the high-voltage substation, ‘but being completely de-energised does not happen very often.’ ‘Initial analysis shows that there is no major damage. We are now trying to resume the power supply and hope to do so soon.’
Mobile networks
Goods trains are at a standstill in the area due to the power failure. Some of them are now running again, reports ProRail. Furthermore, the metro between Steendijkpolder and Hoek van Holland Strand was temporarily not running. That too is running again. Rijnmond writes that Stena Line and P&O Ferries are also without power. In part of the area, mobile networks are also down, users report to NOS. ‘In the affected area, transmission masts may fail if they are without power for longer periods,’ reports the safety region. ‘In that case, mobile phones will no longer have coverage.’
‘No consequences shipping’
For now, the power cut has no impact on shipping, says a spokesperson for the Port of Rotterdam.
‘In the port of Rotterdam, an area from Brielle to Hoek van Holland has been affected by a power cut,’ he says. ‘The radar stations in the area, as well as the Hoek van Holland Traffic Control Centre, are running on emergency power. Shipping is fully functioning and operational.’
Source: https://nos.nl/artikel/2535642-europoort-zonder-stroom-chemiereuzen-fakkelen-gas-af
Transport operator EBS is fined millions for faltering bus services
Transport company EBS has been fined €3.5 million for persistent problems with its timetable. The fine was imposed by the provinces of Flevoland, Gelderland and Overijssel, where the company partly provides bus transport. At the regional transport company, many more buses break down than allowed. Diesel buses are also still being used on some of the bus lines, whereas the concession stipulates that electric buses should be used. The reason for the cancellations is the severe shortage of bus drivers and high absenteeism. To cope with the problems, the timetable was scaled down earlier this year. The buses that were running would thus break down less often, was the idea. But the trip cancellation rate is still too high. EBS said in a statement that it really should have scaled down more rides to achieve a reliable timetable.
Signing bonus
Meanwhile, it is diligently looking for drivers. The company offers new drivers a ‘signing bonus’ of 2,000 euros and open days are organised. Marketing campaigns have also been set up to recruit drivers. EBS expects to have its workforce in order by mid-December so that it can return to normal schedules.
The fine imposed applies to transport in 2023. As the problems also affect this year, the operator can expect a fine for this year as well, RTV Oost writes.
Also problems at Arriva
Besides EBS, carrier Arriva also operates in parts of Overijssel. That company also has problems with bus transport. The concession was taken over from Keolis at the end of last year, but start-up problems, staff shortages and high absenteeism caused many rides to be cancelled. There are also problems with the new electric buses. They charge too slowly and break down regularly. The operator is also likely to be fined by the province of Overijssel for this year. Because of the problems, the province is keeping a closer eye on EBS and Arriva, reports the regional broadcaster. For instance, the carriers must provide quarterly updates on their situation.
Source: https://nos.nl/artikel/2536800-vervoerder-ebs-krijgt-miljoenenboete-voor-haperend-busvervoer
Inspectorate seizes 16,500 Chinese fatbikes in seven weeks
In the hunt for illegal fatbikes, 16,500 of these electric bikes from China have now been seized. This was reported by the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT). A large proportion were found during actions in the port of Rotterdam. Those actions started in July. They involved bicycles from several Chinese manufacturers. In addition, the ILT seized 1,000 Chinese fatbikes at the distribution centres of a Dutch supplier. The bicycles are banned because owners can use a simple code or an app to boost their bike's speed to 35 to 45 kilometres per hour. With pedal assistance, an electric bike is allowed to go a maximum of 25 kilometres per hour.
Police test a fatbike during an operation in The Hague.
The bikes in question often already have an overpowered motor and other technical features, making the bike effectively a moped in practice, according to the ILT. Therefore, they are not allowed to be sold in the Netherlands. ‘Frame, brakes and tyres are not tested for and made for these kinds of speeds,’ the ILT states. ‘This leads to dangerous situations with a high risk of accidents and injuries.’
Growing number
The authority says there are fatbikes that comply with the rules for electric bikes, but that ‘a growing number of cheaper, unsafe and untested mopeds are being offered on the Dutch market’. The ILT says the bikes should disappear as soon as possible. ‘And that starts by putting a stop to their sale through official trade channels.’ In The Hague, meanwhile, a majority in the Lower House disagrees with Infrastructure Minister Madlener on opposing fatbikes. Because many accidents occur, a parliamentary majority is in favour of a minimum age of 14 for riding that type of electric bike and the introduction of a helmet requirement. The minister does not think this makes sense. The ILT says it will hand over all files to the public prosecutor. That could mean that the manufacturer and sellers could not only be fined but also prosecuted.
Source: https://nos.nl/artikel/2536847-inspectie-neemt-in-zeven-weken-16-500-chinese-fatbikes-in-beslag
NVWA: Bicycle brand Vogue must stop selling because of safety risks
The manufacturer of the cargo bike brand Vogue must stop selling two models due to serious safety risks. This was confirmed by the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) following reports by RTL Nieuws. For the ‘Troy’ and ‘Journey’ models, seat posts and frames were broken in several cases, says the NVWA. A recall is now required for those models.
‘We have received about 30 reports from consumers, as well as dealers and bike shops,’ said a spokesperson for the NVWA. The regulator conducted investigations following the reports. That investigation showed that Vogue received several reports of broken frames and seatposts in recent years. The company did not do enough with these and also did not report them to the NVWA, which is required by law.
‘The technical documentation, the burden of proof that the bikes are safe, was not complete,’ said the spokesperson. The Vogue cargo bikes may not be sold again until it is proven that they are safe and the missing data is completed.
According to the NVwA, the manufacturer, Europe Cycle Company (ECC), is fully cooperating with the remedial measures so far. The NVWA is also currently investigating other cargo bike brands. Exactly which brands are involved, the regulator cannot say.
Earlier this year, the NVWA started a criminal investigation into cargo bike brand Babboe. Several cargo bike models were found to be unsafe. The frames of bicycles were found to regularly break through. Tens of thousands of bicycles were recalled by the bicycle manufacturer. Earlier this week, the public prosecutor ended the criminal investigation into Babboe. ‘From the supervisor, the prosecution has learned that Babboe B.V. is being cooperative,’ the prosecution said.
Source: https://nos.nl/artikel/2537638-nvwa-bakfietsenmerk-vogue-moet-stoppen-met-verkoop-vanwege-veiligheidsrisico-s
Data breach at police, hackers obtain contact details of all police officers
During a hack at the police, "work-related contact details" of all police officers were stolen. Minister of Justice and Security Van Weel announced this in a letter to the House of Representatives. According to the police, it appears that the names and email addresses of almost all 65,000 police officers have been stolen. Phone numbers have also been stolen, but it is not clear how many.
"It is an extensive list with a lot of contact information," says a spokesperson. The hack was discovered earlier this week and announced today. At the moment, an investigation is underway into how exactly the hack could have happened, who is behind it and what the impact of the data leak is.
Undercover agents
According to the police, employees with a number of sensitive functions are also shielded within the organization, including undercover agents. They would not be on this list. When asked whether the leaking of the names could have consequences for agents working undercover, Minister Van Weel said: "We are looking at the risks of leaking this information and where the information ended up. In the interest of the investigation, I will not make any further statements about this."
Prime Minister Schoof (ex-AIVD and ex-NCTV) also did not want to say much about it at his press conference. "I am glad that at least the leak has been found. No one underestimates the risk that the police are running with this. These types of cyber investigations are incredibly complicated."
According to the police, the data theft is causing great concern among employees. "They are wondering what data exactly is involved and whether more information has been stolen," says a spokesperson. The police assures that it only concerns a file with work-related data. The Dutch Police Union, the largest union for police officers, calls it a "nightmare" and says that the need for good data protection in the police has become painfully clear. The police are calling on employees to be extra alert for strange apps, possible phishing emails and problems with logging in. "Actually, what everyone should always do, but now extra."
The data theft has been reported to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
Source: https://nos.nl/artikel/2538710-datalek-bij-politie-hackers-bemachtigen-contactgegevens-alle-politiemedewerkers
Translated from Dutch to English with Google translate